About Adahi

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Project for Utilization of Hady & Adahi (Adahi) was established by the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in1983. The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) was tasked with implementing and managing Adahi.
Adahi aims to facilitate the performance of sacrifice rituals, namely Hady and Fidya, on behalf of Hajj pilgrims. Adahi also carries out Udhia, Sadaqa, and Aqiqa ritual on behalf of any Muslim who wishes to perform such rituals. The project ultimately undertakes the distribution of the resulting meat among poor people in the Haram zone, in addition to transporting the surplus to beneficiaries in over 25 countries.
​​The Adahi Committee
Adahi operations are supervised by a permanent supervisory committee comprising representatives of several relevant Saudi governmental organizations.
Management and implementation
IsDB carries out the full set of management and implementation functions of Advanced. Specialized companies are contracted to carry out the operational aspects.
Operation units
Adahi has eight operation units, five of which are open units; four for sheep and one for camels and cows. The other three are closed units for sheep. In the case of open operation units, a client will purchase a coupon for each required sheep and may then carry out the slaughtering himself or witness it. Then, Adahi personnel handle all necessary processing, cleaning, freezing, packaging, and distribution functions. In contrast, clients in the case of closed slaughterhouses carry out their rituals by way of proxy. More specifically, the client will purchase his coupon(s) from an outlet, and from there Adahi will carry out the ritual on his behalf and notify him once it is complete, if he so wishes, using the contact details he provided.
As a large-scale buyer, Adahi negotiates best prices with major sheep suppliers in the Kingdom.
The prices charged cover the costs of veterinary checks, Sharia checks, execution, processing, refrigeration, transportation, and distribution. Adahi is a philanthropic, not-for-profit project.
Coupon outlets
  • Website www.adahi.org
  • Smartphone App
  • Ministry of Hajj and Umrah
  • Al-Rajhi Bank
  • Al-Bilad Bank
  • Ehsan Platform
  • Saudi Post
  • Haji & Mu'tamer's Gift Charity
  • Outlets around the Holy Mosques and Sites
Adahi facilities can accommodate 1.5 million sheep and 10,000 camels and cows.
The meat produced is distributed among poor people in the Haram zone and the surplus is shipped to eligible beneficiaries in more than 27 countries.
​​Distribution Process
Distribution is supervised by Adahi representatives in cooperation with Saudi embassies in recipient countries.
Certain brokers attempt to scam pilgrims. Those are violators who are subject to legal punishment when arrested. Regretfully, some pilgrims slaughter their sacrifice animals on roads and in yards, assisted by individuals who sell them the animals for meagre amounts. However, those animals usually do not meet the requirements of Sharia and health. Instead of distribution, the meat produced might actually be sold. In some cases, the broker might even betray the pilgrim and not perform the ritual in the first place
​​​​Hajj missions
The Adahi administration reaches out to and meets with Hajj missions, ultimately signing MOUs regarding the implementation of pilgrim sacrifice rituals following a specific mechanism.